Tuesday 11 September 2012

Design Practice III//Negotiated Briefs//Orange Juice & Eccentric Sleeve Notes Magazine.

Eccentric Sleeve Notes
Eccentric Sleeve Notes Ft. Orange Juice

Whilst searching for online interviews with Orange Juice, during their 5-year stint in the 1980's, I came across an archive of fanzines called 'Eccentric Sleeve Notes (ESN)', which was published in Newcastle Upon Tyne from 1981 to 1984 and documented original interviews and images from some of the leading contemporary rock, punk, post-punk and indie bands of the time.

Not only does the fanzine provide a fantastic insight to what the band were doing, and a reflection of their personality at the time, but the fanzine itself it a wonderful example of the tastes of Graphic Design with contemporary rock music of this era- with a really interesting, "haphazard" look to the typographic and layout design to the publication which visually communicates the sense of anarchy and disorder that was often musically portrayed, as well as socially. Great inspiration as to how I could visually communicate my own ideas and designs to reflect the heyday of the 1980's band.

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