Thursday, 22 September 2011

OUGD201 Design Production/Print- Wes Anderson, inspiration.

Found a couple of source websites with information about Wes Anderson's directed inspirations and influences upon his films...

A list of Wes Anderson's top ten Citerion (Film company) films- an interesting insight to his personal taste and how these films may influence cinematography, etc. Admittedly (and ashamedly) I have yet to see any of the titles. Would be good to see the films to be able to compare and contrast the artistic style.

A source from the AV Club website, delving into films which have inspired and influenced Wes Anderson's film making career. Really interesting the links between these existing films and his own. For me, the graduate was an instant recognition throughout his films- the scene in Rushmore, in particular, where Herman Blume jumps into the swimming pool being a direct influence from the famous 'Graduate' scene.

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