Wednesday, 21 September 2011

OUGD201 Design Production/Print- Wes Anderson, a brief survey.

After a clueless response in my feedback session today from my presentation, and very little known about Wes Anderson, I began to question whether I'd been living in a bubble of Wes fangirlism. Decided to do another quick poll to see about people's awareness of Wes and his films...

Asking people of their awareness of Wes Anderson through the LCA BAGD Facebook group, as well as my own personal status. The responses were pretty 50/50. In comparison to the vast majority of subjects chosen by fellow GD'ers, Toms Shoes, Letraset, Apples, iPods (to name but a few), this is pretty low-key in terms of cultural awareness. Therefore, I think this gives even more focus to the promotional requirements for this project- to educate, inform, and persuade.

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